Do it God’s Way – by Betty Evans

There comes a time in life’s journey when standing at a crossroad we are faced with a decision……

There are Abraham’s fertile plains, the panorama offered to Jesus, or the disciples wish “to go fishing.” …..

Linked to this path is the pride of life that Frank Sinatra lay bare ”I’ll do it my way.”

Juxtaposed is a life of surrender to “His way”.

Through the clamber of all the sparkle the world offers is the small but clear voice, “do you love me more than these”?………

The call of love cannot be denied and even though it be through tears many answer with love, “I surrender – all that I am I give to Thee.”

When I see our young pastor Joe and his team, my heart is overwhelmed because I know what the surrender cost. I see his wife faithfully by his side and I know what it cost her.

The truth is there is no harder way than the way of surrender, but in saying that there is no better way, and that is for sure.

Betty Evans.

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